Perfil FODA How does your brand compare to the rest of the market?
Plan de distribucion
Marketing de contenidos • Case Studies
• Customer Testimonials
• Newsletters
• Webinars
• Press Releases
• Published Articles
• Speaking Opportunities
• Public Relations
Promociones y Programas List all the ways you promote your brand. Include any programs offered by channel partners, vendors, or
Materiales de mercadeo tradicionales
Retención de clientes How do you keep your customers coming back?
Aumentando la toma List the tactics used to increase revenue on each sale, or over the life of the customer relationship.
Ofertas e incentivos
Estrategia de precios y posicionamiento
Marketing digital / redes sociales
Perfil demográfico de los clientes • Gender
• Age
• Generation (e.g., Baby Boomers, Generation X)
• Income
• Marital Status
• Household Size
• Location
• Occupation/Employment Status
• Industry (if B2B)
• Education
• Nationality/Ethnicity
• Language
• Religion
• Organizational Memberships
• Other key demographics?
Perfil Psicográfico de Clientes What things do they care strongly about?
What do they do for fun?
What TV shows or movies do they watch?
Are there things that just don’t interest them at all?
Diferenciación What are the ways your brand stands out from the competition?
What stories are uniquely yours?
Valores clave List any and all values and/or benefits that your products and/or services bring to your customers.
Respuesta del cliente How will customers feel after consuming your product or service?
Percepción del cliente How would you like customers to think about your business?
Example: as being a trusted company, as being the most affordable choice, etc.
Examples: WalMart has low prices; Mercedes means luxury; Apple is cool
Atributos de marca Different from what your product brings to your customer, this section is describing what your customer experiences through using your brand. Breifly summarize these key attributes of your product/service through the eyes of your customer.
Métodos de distribución directa Products are distributed to customers via retail location(s), online sales, direct mail, etc.
Métodos de distribución indirecta Products are distributed to customers via distributors, other retailers, partners, etc.
Estrategia de palabras clave / SEO • Content
• Links
• Site Structure
Publicidad en línea pagada • (PPC)
• (PPM)
• (PPA)
Formulario Generally describe the style of your product/service (smooth, modern, sexy)
Función Describe how your product/service works for your client.
(fast, convenient, secure)
Benefits How does your product add to your customer’s experience?
(new opportunity, on my side, empowering)
Sentimientos After using your product, how does your customer feel?
(safe, confident, I’m an insider)
Valores What does your product represent to your customer?
(smart shopper, quality experience, easy to use)
Metáforas Challenges, life events, lessons, aspirations connected to your product/service. (building a comfortable nest, providing a haven for family, connecting to family more)
Extensiones Describe unexpected or illogical feelings your product/service inspires. (because I feel safe I can take more risks, because this is cool looking, it is fun to use)