made with GanttPRO
- Total estimate
- Executive summary
- Target markets
- Organization’s strategies and plans
- Marketing metrics- performance/interactivity
- Industry analysis
- Service blueprint
- Brand Blueprint
- Brand Essence
- Brand Blueprint Elements
- Integrated Media Sample
- Implementation (What resources)
- Monitoring Evaluation
- MEASURE results
- Analysis and strategy
- Social media marketing (budget)
- Competitive analysis
- Plan
- Objectives of plan
- Challenges of organization
- Expectations if marketing plan was successful
- Alignment
- Mission
- Demographics
- Lifestyle
- Actions
- New products, markets
- Promotions
- Expansion
- Assessment
- Current marketing efforts
- Search Engine positioning (for keywords )
- Analytics
- Facebook Insights/ likes
- Twitter activity
- SWOT situational analysis
- Competitor analysis and environment
- Consumer analysis (different behaviors of target markets )
- Market research/Consumer insights
- focus group
- If service organization
- Service gap analysis
- Summarize challenges
- Brand Personality– How to get your brand unstuck?
- Current image, mindset, behavior
- Desired behavior
- Challenges to overcome
- Brand Properties
- Product/service features
- Logo
- Tagline
- Organizational touchstone
- Customer insights and key benefit
- Recommendations for Clarified Brand
- Suggestions for Logo, Tagline
- Brand Promise – 4-6 core elements of brand ( reflecting value / benefits)
- Universal Selling Points (USP)
- Value Proposition
- Competitive context
- Target markets
- Current image, mindset, behavior
- Desired behavior
- Challenges to overcome
- Brand Properties
- Brand Essence
- Customer insights/benefit
- Brand Recommendations (logo, tagline)
- Brand Promise
- Universal Selling Points
- Value Proposition
- New sibling task
- Flyers/ brochures
- YouTube -Video
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Email blast
- Blog
- Social bookmarks
- Pinterest
- Instagram
- TV/radio
- Infographic
- Newspaper
- Posters
- Newsletter ( online)
- Personal networks
- friends, family, org.
- Local businesses
- WOM friends
- Events
- Past participants/buyers
- Partner organizations
- New sibling task
- Staff
- Management
- Staff availability
- Expertise to implement the plan
- Outsource elements of plan (use outside vendors)
- Time
- Resources (financial)
- Monitoring metrics
- Website - Google Analytics
- Social media insights
- Digital footprint changes
- Company Alerts
- Evaluation
- Determine Return on Investment (ROI) or Social ROI (SROI)
- Sustainability
- Plan for ongoing feedback from target markets
- Innovate digital media and distribution channels
- Adjust strategy to maximize efforts
- Integrate Social Enterprise (digital tools throughout departments of organization to facilitate upward and downward communications)
- Company defined
- Your mission
- Your vision
- Target audience
- Your message
- Strengths defined
- Weaknesses defined
- Human resources - cost
- Advertising
- Promotions
- Agency fees / retainer
- Hardware
- Content creation
- Content management
- Licensed content
- Software licenses
- Graphic design
- Video production
- Your company's competitive edge
- Competition defined
- Competition strengths
- What your company can do differently
- Potential roadblocks
- Benefits
- Journalists
- Bloggers
- Social media influencers
- Social media interactors
- Peers and partners
- Cross promotions
- Other
- Other