made with GanttPRO
- Total estimate
- Executive Summary
- Company
- Product and Services
- Market Opportunity
- Marketing/Sales
- Team
- Mission of the Company
- Summary of Market Opportunity
- Key aspects of the Company
- Vision of the Company
- Who you are
- Where are you located
- Is it a spin-out or a start-up?
- What stage is your spin-out process?
- What you plan to sell
- To whom
- Company structure/ownership
- Any relevant history
- Unique Selling Proposition
- Intellectual Property Position
- Sustainable competitive advantage
- List of minimum performance
- Current stage of development
- Estimated size of market and targeted market segment
- Target market share
- Geographical market segment
- Drivers for change to this product or service
- Key potential customers
- Pproduct or service
- Competitors
- Route to market
- Barriers to entry
- Potential price and profit margin
- Comparison of target price of this product
- Projected sales volumes and value
- Executive team: roles
- Non-executive team
- Track record
- Gaps & Future recruitment