made with GanttPRO
- Total estimate
- 8 Weeks Before Conference
- 6 Weeks Before Conference
- 4 Weeks Before Conference
- 2 Weeks Before Conference
- 1 Week Before Conference
- Day of Conference
- After Conference
- Open registration
- Make sure the information on registration form is consistent
- Initiate arrangements with caterer
- Design a PDF flyer
- Verify driving directions to be included in PR
- Send PR information to PR Coordinator
- Confirm arrangements with presenter(s)
- Request presenter photo and bio for PR
- release times
- suggested text, including PDF flyer link
- Update social media with Conference details.
- Promote weekly via PR Coordinator on relevant listservs and social media
- Request giveaways, folders, emergency kit
- Photocopy all registration checks
- Keep copies of all receipts, bills, and contracts.
- Make sure committee registers
- Confirm arrangements with venue
- Continue promotion, monitor registration.
- Develop evaluations
- technology
- parking hours
- etc.
- Continue promotion, monitor registration
- Confirm committee assignments
- Prepare print agenda, evaluation form, receipts, and other handouts.
- Purchase thank you gifts
- Make sure attendees have good directions
- Give final count to caterer
- Finalize details with presenter(s)
- Purchase water, breakfast, and snack items
- Print nametags, signage, and list of names of registered attendees
- Assemble folders or information packets
- Print list of attendees for registration table checklist
- agenda
- evaluation form
- Wi-Fi password
- other handouts
- Double-check technology and Wi-Fi
- Set up signage
- Set up registration table, folders, and giveaway table
- Make sure coffee service and morning catering is set up
- Check off attendees
- Introduce Conference, any housekeeping items, and introduce speaker
- Photograph throughout day for newsletter
- Encourage return of evaluations
- Distribute giveaways and any door prizes
- Distribute thank you gifts or checks to presenter(s)
- Complete final Activity Budget Proposal and Expense Report
- Pay any outstanding expenses.
- Collect and analyze evaluations. Share with planning committee
- Send copy of evaluation to presenter(s)
- Send thank you note presenter(s)
- Include a summary of Conference
- Follow up on any potential new members
- Request PowerPoint slides or documents from presenter(s)
- If you used electronic evaluations, re-send link to participants and give a deadline.